KinematicLab has released an update to TopoLogiK, its retopology tool for 3DS Max, promising a more procedural, parametric, and efficient approach. Here’s what’s new:
- Improved Brush Radius sensitivity and Taper on Stripe tool.
- Straighten selection brush.
- Symmetry functions.
- Move Brush.
- Number of subdivisions visible on each tool.
- Easily release the HighMesh from TopoLogiK.
- Show or Hide the Edges of the HighMesh.
- Show or Hide the Shader & Map of the HighMesh
- TopoLogiK UI now remembers its position.
- Bug fixes for the pie menu and shortcuts help window, addressing offsets for 4K monitor users.
- Reduced slowdown on very high-resolution meshes with the Create Face tool.
- Tooltips on the highmesh and retopomesh button now display the object name.
TopoLogiK supports 3DS Max 2010 to 2020 and is available for €30.00 for a single perpetual node-locked license. For more details, visit the KinematicLab website.