Kuma Render

Game of Thrones VFX: Behind-the-Scenes of Dragons, Battles, & More

These new Game of Thrones VFX breakdowns show how the dragons, epic battles, armadas and castles were created

More Game of Thrones VFX breakdowns have just been released, showcasing the incredible work of various visual effects studios.

Season 7 of Game of Thrones concluded last year, packed with complex plots, intense action, and some truly memorable moments. Now, the talented visual effects houses behind the series are sharing breakdowns of their impressive work.

Below, you’ll find VFX breakdowns from several studios, along with behind-the-scenes films created by HBO that explore both production and post-production, including the standout battle, The Loot Train Attack. These breakdowns offer a fascinating glimpse into the creation of specific episodes, iconic cities, castles, and, of course, that dragon.

Please note: These breakdowns contain spoilers.

Image Engine

Image Engine brought one of the most stunning characters in the entire series to life – the fire-breathing dragon. Here’s a breakdown of how this VFX house created the CG dragon, basing the flying movement of its wings on footage of eagles and bats, and demonstrating its massive size relative to humans. Don’t miss the concept art as well.

Rodeo FX

Montreal-based VFX house Rodeo FX created numerous simulations and CG environments using compositing techniques in Houdini or Nuke for the nighttime battle and fight scenes. Watch the breakdown below to see more.

Rodeo FX added ocean and background ships to sets, extended parts of Yara’s ship, and built the Silence completely on wider shots, placing 100 ships in the background. They also enhanced the practical fire on set, augmenting it with CG or composited fire elements in the background. The fire on the sails was created in CG using Houdini, and they also crafted water simulations around Theon as he floats in the aftermath.

Below are before-and-after shots of key scenes from the series, showcasing the VFX work by Rodeo.

Iloura Studios

Iloura once again collaborated with HBO to craft the visuals for ‘The Spoils of War’ scene, specifically the Loot Train Sequence in episode four.

In ‘The Spoils of War,’ Daenerys and her Dothraki army clash with the Lannisters in a fiery battle. Iloura VFX supervisors Glenn Melenhorst and Josh Simmonds led the team in creating this standout battle of season 7. Watch a video breakdown of their impressive work below.

Glenn, an Emmy winner for season six’s ‘Battle of the Bastards’, explains what sets the VFX in this scene apart:

“We created digital doubles for the Dothraki at high resolution, knowing we might need to place them anywhere in a frame. This wasn’t just about throwing CG extras in the back; they’re often front and center – something you wouldn’t typically attempt in a TV show.”

In addition to extensive simulation datasets with full CG shots, set extensions, and custom assets, Iloura developed unique animation tools and enhancements that allowed artists to create detailed work and flawlessly composited sequences without needing to rebuild continuously.

“Our goal was to ensure an exciting and cohesive sequence that stayed true to the well-known Game of Thrones aesthetic,” said Josh Simmonds.

And they succeeded.

Zoic Studios

Zoic Studios has produced a short reel showcasing its VFX work, primarily for environments. This includes the snowy landscape outside Winterfell, the intricate geometric architecture of the maester’s library at The Citadel, and the caves beneath Dragonstone castle.

They also produced character shots, including Arya’s removal of Walder Frey’s face in the first episode and making The Mountain look even more undead.


German VFX house Mackevision specialized in creating CG armies and navies, as well as set extensions for even grander castles and cities.

HBO: Behind-the-Scenes

HBO produced behind-the-scenes videos for each of the episodes of Season 7. These cover everything from cast interviews to explanations of both practical and digital effects, and how these effects influence the actors involved.

One standout is The Loot Train Attack, which details the challenges of creating a battle scene involving ground troops, cavalry, and dragons – along with the dirt, blood, and fire. It includes shots from the ground and from Daenerys’ perspective on the dragon’s back. To learn more about how the show’s major battles were created, you can find information on how The Battle of The Bastards was made.

While the details of the visual effects work are limited, it is still fascinating to see how the producers achieved what they claim is the highest number of actors set on fire on set ever.

Also noteworthy is The Frozen Lake, which details how an Irish quarry was transformed into an icy battlefield for the climax of a D&D-style quest adventure north of the Wall.