New features in Basefount Technology’s crowd simulation software for Maya include:
- A new bone tree builder which allows the user to rebuild a standard joint tree that clings to the original rig even if it contains overall scale, bone scales or breaks joints. The user can then can use the generated bone tree to generate an Original Agent and bring it into the crowd pipeline without modifying the original rig.
- A set of auxiliary tools for things like Skinning, UVs and materials that are able to correctly transfer rig geometry to Original Agents.
- Full support for Viewport 2.0
- Improved real-time display of agents using instancing and OpenCL GPU features.
- Procedural for the most popular renderers have been rewritten to improve speed and stability.
- Improved texture and shader handling, customisation and randomisation.
- Several UX improvements including automated rendering, improved interface and icons, a scene, action and logic inspector, and an Original Actor bone inspector.
Plus other improvements and bug fixes.