Kinematic Lab has introduced Chaos, a novel parametric Spline object for 3DS Max. This tool utilizes “strange attractor” equations to generate splines. The software offers 29 distinct equations, each with its unique set of variables.
Key Features:
- Complete Animation Control: Every parameter is animatable. Users should exercise caution with parameter adjustments, as the nature of these equations allows for drastic shape changes. Subtle adjustments are often best; holding the Alt key while modifying values allows for finer control.
- Default Values: Each equation comes with its own set of default values, providing a foundation for creating appealing basic shapes.
- Knot Options: Users can choose between Corner or Smooth knots, offering flexibility in spline design.
- Reset Functionality: A convenient reset button quickly reverts to the default equation values, allowing users to easily start over or explore different possibilities.
To learn more, visit the Kinematic Lab website.