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Adobe Acquires Allegorithmic: Substance Tools Integration & Future Plans

Adobe acquires Allegorithmic

Adobe has announced the acquisition of Allegorithmic – including Substance Designer, Substance Painter and Substance Source –  for an undisclosed sum. It is expected that Allegorithmic’s current employees will stay on at Adobe.

Substance was already integrated to varying degrees with Adobe products including Adobe Dimension and Adobe Capture. It is expected that this acquisition will further embed the tools across the Creative Suite including Photoshop, After Effects and Project Aero, their recent AR Content creation tools, in addition to continued development as a “flagship product” according to Allegorithmic’s Sebastien Deguy.

Adobe says there are no plans at present to change offering or pricing for algorithmic customers and according to a post on Allegorithmic’s blog, “when it comes to licensing, nothing changes for now. Your current licenses will continue running and getting updates. As we join the Adobe family, we will also unveil new and more flexible subscription offers in the coming months”. The crucial phrase of both these phrases are “for now” and “at present”. The long term plans are not yet known.

For more information about this announcement.

Source: Michael Sokolov