V-Ray Enhances Rhino and Grasshopper with Photorealistic Rendering and Asset Management

V-Ray has introduced enhancements for Rhino, designed to streamline the design and visualization workflow with new intelligent rendering capabilities.
V-Ray Next is optimized for speed. With improvements to materials and overall performance, rendering speeds are now significantly improved. GPU rendering enhancements offers further improvements and V-Ray Scene Intelligence provides additional optimization.
V-Ray Scene Intelligence automatically analyzes a 3D scene at the start of a render, optimizing common design decisions. The new Adaptive Dome Light (ADL) offers more accurate, image-based environment lighting that’s faster. This is useful for interiors, removing the need to add separate light portals at windows and openings.
V-Ray Scene Intelligence also improves the V-Ray camera, which can now set exposure and white balance automatically. This allows for picture-perfect renders every time. No-input denoising is also available through the new NVIDIA AI denoiser, which eliminates image noise almost instantly, giving an immediate sense of lighting.
Powerful Asset Management
The new asset management system now helps designers streamline workflows and coordinate across projects. You can manage all V-Ray scene assets intuitively. The live preview function helps fine-tune the look of lights, textures, and materials from a central location.
Unparalleled Grasshopper Support
V-Ray Next launches with a comprehensive Grasshopper toolset, bringing new capabilities to the parametric design tool. With live interactivity, designers can use V-Ray from within Grasshopper to produce stunning visualizations. Users can also animate sunlight, cameras, and Grasshopper definitions from the V-Ray timeline. Definitions stay parametric throughout the rendering process, in both Grasshopper and Rhino.
Additional Features Include:
Enhanced GPU Rendering – Designers can access the full power of GPU rendering in V-Ray, adding support for bucket rendering, volumetric effects such as smoke and fog and compatibility with VRscans, Chaos Group’s library of physically accurate, scanned materials.
More Accurate Viewport Previews – Improved accuracy in the Rhino viewport with enhanced reflections, refractions, bump maps and more.
Automated Rendering with V-Ray Batch – With access to V-Ray Swarm, it’s now easier to render snapshots and variations of a project, as well as views from multiple Rhino files.
New Lighting Analysis Tool – Visualize a scene’s real-world illumination values (lux) using the new lighting analysis render element.
New Scripting Support – Use RhinoScript or Python to automate V-Ray tasks and properties, or access V-Ray capabilities not present in the UI.