Cinema 4D Drops Windows 7 & 8 Support: What You Need to Know

Cinema 4D has long been praised for its performance, stability, and its ability to harness the power of modern technologies. By focusing our development efforts on the most recent operating system versions, we can concentrate on developing the features and functionalities most desired by our community and ensure optimal performance on the latest hardware advancements.

To leverage the latest operating system features and technologies, the next major release and future versions of Cinema 4D will no longer support Windows 7 or Windows 8. Mac requirements will remain at MacOS 10.13.2 or newer. We are informing you of these changes in advance, so you can prepare for updates to any legacy systems.

We understand the challenges of maintaining a studio infrastructure, but it’s important to note that Microsoft ended mainstream support for Windows 8.1 in January 2018 and Windows 7 support concluded in 2015. For more information on Windows support, you can refer to the Windows lifecycle fact sheet.