Update: Shotgun Create, the desktop app announced last year that combines many of the review tools in Shotgun into a single cloud-based desktop app aimed at artists, is now out of beta.
Shotgun Create can play both local and remotely-stored videos and image sequences and has built-in annotation tools to add visual feedback on individual frames, which can then be played back in context.
My Tasks view makes it easier for artists to quickly see tasks that are due soon, coming up, and recently completed, all in one place, and the Reviews view takes the form of an inbox for reviewers to see which reviews need immediate attention.
Also included is an interface that collates all of the versions and notes tied to a task, making it easy to refer back to earlier versions.
Creative tools are integrated too; artists can select any task in their queue and launch an application with the necessary work files and the information they need to get the job done.