3DS Max 2020.1: Tear-Off Viewports, Hotkey Editor & More!

3ds Max 2020.1 out now with tear-off viewports and a new hotkey editor

Autodesk has released 3DS Max 2020.1, bringing with it significant enhancements, including the much-anticipated ability to tear off viewports. This feature allows users to float up to three viewport windows across multiple monitors, each fully configurable with its own settings, a notable step forward for multi-monitor workflows.

Also included in this release is a new hotkey editor designed to streamline the process of viewing, modifying, and saving custom keyboard shortcuts. The editor provides robust search capabilities, allowing users to find actions by keyword or assigned hotkey, and filter results based on customization status and group, significantly improving workflow efficiency.

The existing Chamfer modifier has received refinements, most notably a new “By Weight” chamfer amount type. This allows for the application of an absolute weight to an edge, rather than interpolation between vertices. Further control is provided through per-edge chamfer depth settings, and a Radius Bias parameter, aiding in the handling of sharp corners. For procedural workflows, Edge Weight and Edge Depth are now available as inputs and outputs in the Data Channel modifier, facilitating more flexible and complex setups.

This update also introduces several smaller but impactful improvements. Autocomplete is now enabled by default in the MAXScript editor, and the MAXScript API has been updated to make it easier for users to enable autocomplete for MAXScript in third-party editors. Performance has also received attention, with the Command panel being significantly faster, at least 70% faster, when switching between sub-object modes in Edit Poly editing. In terms of poly editing, users can now double-click to select all contiguous faces, vertices, segments, etc. This functionality extends to Editable Spline objects and EditSpline and EditPoly modifiers, as well as the Unwrap UVW modifier, enhancing the user experience.