3ds Max Plugins: Latest Updates and Compatibility for 2020

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The 3ds Max team understands the importance of plugins being ready and available for each release. That’s why they’ve created the conditions to make it easier for you migrate into the latest updates.

Quality: With the update model and our investment in stabilizing the product, quality is no longer a concern when choosing a new version of 3ds Max.

Features: We built a product roadmap by leveraging ideas from public forums, user feedback, and in-person meetings to align with future demand. View the newly released 3ds Max Public Roadmap, which shares high-level direction for the product.

Plugins: In the past, third-party plugins haven’t always been available for each 3ds Max release. This year, we collaborated with over 40 developers, resulting in 250 plugins planned to support 3ds Max 2020 within the following week of the release.

Here’s the full list of plugins. Please note the descriptions below have been provided by third-party developers and are not Autodesk statements.


Substance 2.2.1

Used with Substance Designer, the Substance plugin for 3ds Max gives users the ability to easily create physically based materials by opening and tweaking Substance files.


ProRender 2.5

AMD Radeon™ ProRender is AMD’s physically-based rendering engine that lets creative professionals use open industry standards to leverage GPU and CPU performance to produce stunningly photorealistic images in Autodesk 3ds Max.

  • Using OpenCL™, Radeon™ ProRender supports both AMD GPUs and CPUs as well as those of other vendors
  • AMD Radeon™ ProRender comes with its own library of 300+ materials optimized for use with AMD’s renderer
  • Whatever your chosen workflow, AMD Radeon™ ProRender is fully integrated into Autodesk 3ds Max 2020
  • New for version 2.5: Autodesk 3ds Max 2020 support, AI-accelerated denoising, and adaptive sampling


RPC Version

RPC Plug-ins provide the ability to place, edit, create, and render all types of RPC People, Trees, Cars and Object content. ArchVision now supports a full PBR workflow with this latest release of the RPC plugin for 3ds max. RPC’s are currently delivered through ArchVision Dashboard and the AVAIL content management platform. Enterprise, floating and single user licenses are available. You may download full trial versions of RPC Plug-ins for Autodesk products trials.archvision.com. Supported applications include:

  • Autodesk Revit 2016 and newer
  • Autodesk AutoCAD 2015 and newer
  • Autodesk 3ds Max 2017 and newer

Supported rendering engines include:

  • Scanline
  • Arnold (NEW!)
  • ART (NEW!)
  • V-Ray NEXT (NEW!)
  • Corona (coming Q2 2019)


Naviswork NWC Export Utility 2020

The distributable NWC file exporter enables project teams using Navisworks software to generate whole-project models for simulation and analysis. Team members can generate the optimized NWC file directly from design applications without the need for a licensed seat of Navisworks. The NWC exporter works with a range of products, including AutoCAD and Revit software-based products, as well as 3ds Max, Bentley MicroStation and Graphisoft ArchiCAD software. The NWC file format supports transfer of both object geometry and associated metadata.

Shotgun Integration 0.5.6

The Shotgun integration for 3dsMax has been updated for compatibility with Max 2020. This integration brings the tracking and collaboration features of Shotgun directly to artists working in 3ds Max and helps connect them to the rest of the studio.

AXYZ Design

Anima 3.5.4

Anima is the 3d people animation application developed specifically for architects and designers, ideal for creating amazing 3d animated people quickly and easily!

With its artificial intelligence system, it allows 3d human characters to avoid each other, to get on and off stairs, escalators, tracks and moving sidewalks. With an incredibly simple workflow, you can create complex crowd simulations in seconds.

Chaos Group

Phoenix FD for V-Ray Next 3.13

Phoenix FD for 3ds Max is a fluid dynamics simulator that is seamlessly integrated with Autodesk 3ds Max and V-Ray. Phoenix FD is capable of a wide range of effects including fire, smoke, liquids, flames, explosions, ocean waves, splashes, spray, mist to list just a few. Quick presets and fast setup make it easy to get started, and its powerful simulation engine offers complete control over more complex effects.

V-Ray Next for 3ds Max Update 1.2

V-Ray for 3ds Max is the software of choice for high-profile companies operating in everything from architecture and design to visual effects in film and television. Whether it’s advertising living spaces or bringing characters to life, Chaos Group’s physically-based rendering engine helps artists visualize their best ideas with faster ray tracing, cleaner sampling, and highly accurate rendering. Get Update 1 for V-Ray Next for 3ds Max 2020.

Corona Renderer 3 for 3ds Max (hotfix 2)

Corona Renderer is a high-performance (un)biased photorealistic renderer, available for Autodesk 3ds Max 2013 to 2020. It delivers predictable, reliable, and physically plausible results with no compromises in quality.


FStorm Renderer 1.3.2

FStormRender is a new GPU-powered, unbiased renderer with a good performance/quality trade-off. It is simple, fast, and realistic with convenient materials and light sources.

Icube R&D Group

MultiScatter 1.091

One of the most popular scattering plug-ins for 3ds Max, developed since 2007. It supports many rendering engines with an SDK for adding others.

MadCar 3.064

MadCar is a plug-in for rigging vehicles and their animations by simulating control quickly. It supports any number of wheels, and with any of their arrangements including motorcycles. Any number of trailers is also supported.

CityTraffic 2.033

Creates car traffic flow for urban visualizations, populating cities with thousands of cars, buses, and trucks. It has a flexible road system with parking, bus stops, traffic lights, bridges, and complicated roundabouts. Dynamic calculations make driving on complicated surfaces more realistic, and the AI system helps cars operate independently.

iToo Software

Forest Pack 6.2

Forest Pack provides a comprehensive solution for creating vast areas of objects, from trees and plants to buildings, crowds, ground-cover, rocks, and more. Countless studios rely on Forest Pack’s production-tested algorithms and shaders to render scenes with virtually unlimited objects and polygons, all without straining computer resources. Forest Pack now supports 3ds Max 2020, with the benefit of improved renderer compatibility, increased stability for IPR rendering.

RailClone 3.3

RailClone is a unique array-based approach to asset creation that is fast, efficient, and easy to learn. You can use a node-based editor to create rules with combinations, sequences, transforms, deformations, slices, bevels, and distribution of geometric instances or proxies. Create variation by randomizing objects, UV mapping, and material IDs. Recent releases add a host of features to make RailClone even more flexible. Creating sophisticated parametric models has never been simpler with RailClone.

You can find the full list from the Autodesk official post.